Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer

Laska Photography

Láska. Love. Amor. Liebe. Ljubav. Different names same importance.

Let’s get in touch



Tara Chisholm


Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer


My name is Veronika but everybody calls me Veru. :)

I’m a lifestyle and documentary photographe in Portugal and Czech Republic.

I love capturing love stories, weddingsfamily moments, woman portrait and brand under natural light and without stiff poses.

My clients say that I have ability to make people feel comfortable and relaxed in front of the camera and together we create friendly and positive vibe during session. 

With an eye for detail and a unique perspective, I create images that are not only beautiful but also tell a story and you easily fall in love with them.

I would be happy to capture your love and emotions, the magic of real moments, the perfect imperfect, energy and free spirits, connection of those most precious to you. Your pictures will reflect who you truly are.






Signature work of telling your story in the moment 

Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer


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Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer


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Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer
Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer

Kind words

Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer


EN: Veronika is an amazing wedding photographer. She is able to capture the most intimate and beautiful moments of your special day, resulting in impressive photos that you will treasure for a lifetime. Overall, Veronika is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a wedding or family photographer who will provide not only beautiful photos but also a great experience. She is incredibly nice and empathic, always putting her clients at ease and making them feel comfortable in front of the camera. One of the things that stands out most about Veronika is her constant smile, which adds a level of positivity to any shoot.

CZ: Veronika je skvělá svatební fotografka. Dokáže během svatebního dne zachytit ty nejintimnější a nejkrásnější okamžiky. JEjí fotky jsou působivé a budete si je s radostí prohlížet po celý život. Veronika je výbornou volbou pro každého, kdo hledá svatebního nebo rodinného fotografa, který poskytne nejen krásné fotky, ale také skvělý zážitek. Je neuvěřitelně milá a empatická, své klienty vždy uklidní a zajistí jim, aby se před kamerou cítili dobře. Jedna z věcí, která na Veronice nejvíce vyniká, je její neustálý úsměv, který dodává každému natáčení úroveň pozitivity.

Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer


EN: We really enjoyed the wedding photo shooting with Verča.  From the first moment we had the feeling that we know each other for ages. Moreover, after reviewing pictures we have feeling that she knows not only us but also our families and friends. I really love to see pictures again and again (also the black and white edition) and I like them more and more. The snapshots are amazing! Verča captured the wedding mood accurate and very naturally. I also love the composition — really outstanding! Thank you once again! 

CZ: Spolupráce s Verčou se nám moc líbila. Focení proběhlo tak, jako kdybychom se znali už dávno, nicméně, podle fotek z průběhu dne to skoro i vypadá, jako kdyby znala i celé naše rodiny a známé. Projíždím fotky pořád dokola (vč. černobílé fotogalerie) a líbí se mi čím dál víc. Ty momentky nemají chybu, Verča přesně vystihla náladu, moc se mi líbí i ta kompozice, opravdu skvělá práce. Ještě jednou děkujeme!

Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer


EN: Verča captured our wedding day and we are very happy that we decided to cooperate right with her! She was able to capture the most beautiful moments of the whole day and thanks to her approach we enjoyed our couple photoshoot in a amazingly relaxed atmosphere. We definitely recommend her, she is awesome and the final pictures are beautiful 🙂

CZ: Verča nám fotila náš svatební den a jsme hrozně rádi, že jsme si vybrali právě ji. Dokázala zachytit ty nejhezčí momenty celého dne a novomanželské focení jsme si díky ní užili ve skvěle uvolněné atmosféře. Rozhodně doporučujeme, je skvělá a fotky jsou krásné 🙂

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Lifestyle, wedding and family photographer

Booking for 2023 openGet in touch to BOOK YOUR DATE.

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